Spanish and Portuguese

INESPO = Inglés + Español + Português
where Ibero-America fully communicates  with North America

INESPO is a professional and affordable Interpretations & Translations services provider in Calgary that offers Translations and Interpretations exclusively in Portuguese and/or Spanish (Ibero-America)into/from English across Canada.

We do FREE quotes for interpretations & translations by emailing us the documents to be translated or your specific hourly interpretation request.

Our translations are accepted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), Motor Vehicles Alberta-Registries, World Education Services (WES), Passport Canada plus many other Canadian government and private organizations.

We strictly follow our industry code of ethics so accuracy, confidentiality, punctuality, accountability are our core values to deliver an interpretation & translation service in a timely manner and lower cost compared with services provided by other agencies.


Personal documents, contracts, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce papers, high school and university degrees or diplomas and transcripts, driver's licences, educational certificates, personal and employment letters, passports, police reports, death certificates, wills and more.


On-site, Video or Telephone Legal = e.g. Interrogatories with lawyers, questioning for discoveries, insurance claims, hearings, etc. Medical = e.g. Doctor's appointments, Medical assessments, etc. Community = e.g. Mental health Business = e.g. business meetings


We do Legal transcription which is the process of converting audio recordings of legal proceedings, legislation, briefs, and other legal actions into text. Audio-to-Text Transcripts as well Video-to-Text Transcripts

Traducción profesional con declaración jurada

Las autoridades canadienses también aceptan traducciones completadas por traductores profesionales si incluyen una declaración jurada firmada y sellada (Affidavit). La declaración jurada se firma ante un notario público (o Commissioner of Oath) autorizado e incluye referencias al documento traducido y original.

Iberico puede hacer una traducción profesional con declaración jurada, a menudo a un costo menor que una certificada. Para ello, hacemos que la declaración contenga en detalle los diferentes documentos y sea notariada por un Commissioner of Oath debidamente autorizado en Canadá.

Una traducción notariada por un notario público cumple con los requisitos de la IRCC y otras autoridades canadienses y será aceptada. Llámeme luego!!!

Tradução profissional com declaração juramentada 

As autoridades canadenses também aceitam traduções concluídas por tradutores profissionais se incluírem uma declaração juramentada assinada e carimbada (Affidavit). A declaração juramentada é assinada perante um notário público autorizado e inclui referências ao documento traduzido e original.

Iberico pode fazer uma tradução profissional com affidavit, muitas vezes a um custo mais baixo comparado com as certificadas. Fazemos que a declaração juramentada contenha em detalhes os diferentes documentos e seja reconhecida em cartório por um Comissário de Juramento devidamente autorizado no Canadá.

Uma tradução autenticada por um notário público atende aos requisitos do IRCC e de outras autoridades canadenses e será aceita. Ligue já!!

Oil & Gas

Technical documents and reports translations within the Petroleum Industry and/or Interpretation for business meetings or so (40+ years of experience in the O&G)


Technical documents and reports (as NI 43-101) translations within the Mining Industry and/or Interpretation for business meetings or so (BSc degree in Geology mainly focused towards Mining).

  • IberoAmerica



  • High Five

Personal Injury Interpretation

  (Online or In-person)

Yes we are specialized doing these as for Car accidents, Slip and fall accidents or anything to do with Personal Injury. Other Civil litigation settings where an interpreter is needed as well. 

Documents translated by a non-certified translator

In situations where the translation cannot be provided by a certified translator, it must be accompanied by an AFFIDAVIT swearing to the accuracy of the translation and the language proficiency of the translator.

Online Interpretation services

Since COVID our online Interpretation services has increased as we can serve clients across Canada. 

Please send us your request for Consecutive Interpretations within the Legal/Medical/Community/Business settings.

What is an Affidavit?

An affidavit for a translation is a document that states that the translation is an accurate version of the original text. The translator swears that their translation is an accurate representation of the contents of the original document.

The translator does this in front of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths here in Canada.

Does Passport Canada accepts non-certified translations?

The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Alberta (ATIA)

Yes Associate Membership since 2019

  • Lake Sundance, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Request your Free quote and we will get back to you on the same day